Monthly Archives: February 2019

Does she still recognize you?

One of the questions Lisa and I were asked most frequently by people who knew her mom had Alzheimer’s, but hadn’t visited, was “Does she still recognize you?” It sounds like a straightforward question, and in some sense, maybe it … Continue reading

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Seeing a Person Think

The image above is a slice from one of several photos I took during a visit with Leslie at her memory care facility. I rarely crop photos to remove information about what I’ve photographed, but I had to cut this … Continue reading

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Amanda Petrusich on Aretha Franklin

In the August 16, 2018 issue of the New Yorker, Amanda Petrusich opened her review and appreciation of Aretha Franklin’s work with the following sentence. I haven’t read anything since that better frames the challenge of thinking one’s self through … Continue reading

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Collaborating with Leslie and Lisa

None of the photos or observations presented on this website were made with a research or journalism project in mind, or even a professional interest. They emerged instead through the kind of engaged inquiry someone might undertake while trying to … Continue reading

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