Almost everything on this website is a story of some sort, but most are short commentaries or illustrations that we prepared in response to specific challenges, questions, experiments, and strategies. The stories listed below are longer and cut across many of those categories. As we add more stories to this list, we’ll number them as chapters and include internal links that lead from one to the next. Read in sequence, the stories can hopefully provide a coherent, narrative account of what appears elsewhere on the website in fragments.
We’ve included both fragments and stories in response to the range of questions we’ve been asked about Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some people seem interested primarily in comments or answers to specific questions. Others want to know how the insights and observations reported here emerged over time while engaging with Leslie, her care-givers and other memory care residents. In developing our material for this website–instead of as a book, pamphlet, series of essays and articles, or video tapes–we tried to consider and provide for both kinds of interest.
How Is She Doing? – 12 September 2013 –
Visiting While She’s Asleep – 24 April 2017 –