Category Archives: Questions

Empirical Questions

A lot of what we’d like to know about Alzheimer’s and dementia can be asked in the form of empirical questions. By empirical, we mean that the best way to answer the question is to get the best information possible … Continue reading

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Problematic Questions

We consider questions “problematic” when they reflect false, misguided or demeaning assumptions. Some problematic questions go beyond that to implicitly or explicitly dehumanize people who are living with Alzheimer’s or dementia, their care-givers, family and friends, or the rest of … Continue reading

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Does she still recognize you?

One of the questions Lisa and I were asked most frequently by people who knew her mom had Alzheimer’s, but hadn’t visited, was “Does she still recognize you?” It sounds like a straightforward question, and in some sense, maybe it … Continue reading

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