Audio-Visual Documents
Alzheimer’s: A different View: A brief (5 mins) BBC video account of photographer/sociologist Cathy Greenblat’s work in documenting exemplary care in 7 countries for her book, Love, Loss and Laughter.
Love, Loss and Laughter: Living with Dementia: A 16 mins video about Cathy Greenblat’s work and it’s implications for Alzheimer’s care in Australia and elsewhere.
A Communication Breakthrough: A brief video documenting a successful effort by Naomi Fell (an expert care-giver and advocate for more interactive care practices) to engage Gladys Wilson (who is living with Alzheimer’s) in mutually rewarding two-way interaction.
Accounts and Applications
Applied Research Projects — Charles Goodwin: An online introduction to Charles Goodwin’s applied linguistics studies of the interactive construction of talk. See in particular his comments and articles on the following topics: Human Vision as a Social Practice, Gesture and Embodiment, and Aphasia in Discourse.
Robert Coles, Their Eyes Meeting the World: The Drawings and Paintings of Children. Ed. Margaret Sartor. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1992. A richly illustrated account of Robert Coles’ efforts to explore the inner life of children through their expressive words and pictures.
Research and Theories
Sigrid Norris, Analyzing Multimodal Interaction: A Methodological Framework. London: Routledge, 2004. A thoughtful analysis of how everyday interaction is embedded in both verbal and non-verbal communication.